Welcome To Health Through Endurance!!
You are more powerful and capable than you realize
Here we believe that physical and mental health are interconnected, and EVERYONE has the potential to be HAPPY and HEALTHY and have deep and meaningful relationships.
This starts with our capacity to love ourselves
My name is Marie and I am dedicated to helping you make the most out of this life
Read Our Thoughts On Health
Mental Health, Relationships, Self Worth, Boundaries, Nutrition, Triathlon Training, and Personal Training are just a few of our favorite topics!
Take Control of your Mind and Health
Join the online platform learn how you can take control over your wellness. Our first progression Mind Over Matter will help to get you started
Join The Community!
Join our free Facebook community of other people excited to take back control of their mental and physical health. This is a private Facebook group and a place to be supported
Join Mind Over Matter
The first of many online information progressions to help guide you to your best and healthiest self.
Mind Over Matter is the first step in understanding what makes us love or hate ourselves, as well as how we form connections
From Our Clients & Friends
"Marie has absolutely no idea how much she has further influenced me to start living the life I want....
....We are so alike and thats pretty awesome considering we come from different generations. Marie's picture is in the dictionary where I look up the type of people I want to surround myself with. I am in love with the fitness community and all of the outstanding people I keep meeting"
"Marie is...
a true advocate and leader in the sport of Triathlon"
"Marie is doing all the right things!
"It's a balance for sure! Always going to be a fight to preserve your own sense of self and your own goals no matter where you're at on the journey of life. You're doing all of the right things"